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Sorting it

There is a strong case to collect more food waste in New Zealand. By doing so we can make a significant reduction to the amount of waste we are currently sending to landfill.

Reducing what goes to landfill is better for the environment because landfill generates methane which is a rather potent greenhouse gas that contributes to global warming.

A UK study* has concluded that collecting general household waste less often and actually collecting food waste more often, shows an increase in both dry food waste and recyclable collectables. Yet if we can separate out this food waste and compost it, then it makes a great addition to compost that can be used on gardens.

Collecting food waste separately from green waste is usually cheaper because you can use smaller trucks to collect it frequently (e.g. weekly), while garden waste can be collected less often (e.g. monthly).

Also, if they are collected separately then most of the garden waste does not have to go through the more expensive process and can be composted much more cheaply.

Earthcare Environmental has implemented a trial food waste recycling system in Putaruru. Find out more about this trial.

* Source: WRAP, Sustainable ways of dealing with household food and garden waste in the UK, May 2007